"This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against."
...a super cute pizza guy would be high up on that list.
Nice smile?
Brings me pizza?
Where do I sign up? (Seriously, as someone who loves musicals and pizza, this was adorable. Watch this short film called "SLICE: the musical" if your day needs a little pick-me-up. You're welcome.)
There's a few things about my blog that you should know.
I go by Hopeless Romantic for many reasons, but I guess one of them would be to protect the innocent.
I'm not afraid to say what I think, so that also might be another reason. Haha.
So, if some person I know irl were to come here and read every single one of my entries, they probably wouldn't know it was me.
That's also why I make nicknames up for people I blog about.
I'm probably a lot more different than what most people would expect someone my age to be.
Sure, I love clothes and make up and I'm a huge sucker for boybands.
But, I've been told that I have an old soul (Google it). Who knows? Maybe I do, maybe I don't.
But please, take me seriously. That is all I ask.
I'm a girl who's never been in a relationship before, so I don't throw the word 'love' around like a hot potato.
But I'm bound to have many crushes on the way, so, please enjoy reading about my roller coaster of a life.
Name : Sarah
I'm black, age 23.
Waist length hair, baby face, social anxiety.
Likes: Daydreaming, writing, reading, learning, fashion, eating, movies, all kinds of music, the color pink, kpop/jpop, kdramas/jdramas, the hollow heart emoticon, things that are cute, making people laugh, comic books.
Hates: Spiders, clubbing and or partying, really hot weather, close minded people, bigots, extreme sports. contact:
email : here.
[NEW]twitter: @xohplssrmntc
follow me on twitter!♡
"Where are you from?"
The United States, in the western region of the country. I used to say 'mid-west', but just so you know, I didn't actually know what it meant, and I was using it wrong. Haha.
"Who do you think you are?"
Someone who's scared of everything and who hasn't completely figured out how to live yet.
"If you're so afraid of love, why are you so obsessed with it?"
I still haven't figured that out. But aren't we all?
...a super cute pizza guy would be high up on that list.
Nice smile?
Brings me pizza?
Where do I sign up? (Seriously, as someone who loves musicals and pizza, this was adorable. Watch this short film called "SLICE: the musical" if your day needs a little pick-me-up. You're welcome.)