![]() "This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against." Questions? Concerns? Random observations?
Leave me a message here, or email me here. ♥
May 2008
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I'm Done With This.}
Monday, November 24, 2008 | 11:04 AM | 2Comment Well, Internet, it's been a while. I'm sick today, so I thought I would blog to my little heart's content. Besides, there has been alot thats happened! :0 Well, first of all, Fiddy. Hoo boy, where do I start? First, let me start with the other girl. Let's call her Hollister. Okay, so, long story short, I ended up being further convinced that Fiddy liked me. We started talking more, we shared hot chocolate at one of the football games.... and okay, maybe I started to like him too. ...Okay! So I totally started liking him back! I admit it! At least, I thought it was back. But later I was convinced that it was more me than him. Because, when little miss Hollister comes around and tells him that she likes him, he forgets I'm even alive! All the staring stops, he stops talking to me, all of that! Like I was chopped liver or something! I was upset about it for a little while, but I got over it in about 2 weeks, 3 weeks tops. What? That's much better considering the time I spent getting over Ricky Bobby. I was actually very proud of myself. And, yeah, Fiddy and Hollister became inseprable over those 3 to 4 weeks. They talked on the phone all the time, they talked between classes (don't ask how I know, I have sources! haha), flirted during lunch. They even slow-danced during homecoming. It killed me to watch, even as I was getting over it. Then, out of the blue last week, he texts her and tells her he just wants to be friends. Totally out of the blue. I didn't understand, they were so close. I hear that Hollister is still totally heartbroken over it, and her status updates on myspace show it. Then, thinking back, I realized that in the last few weeks of their 'thing', maybe the last two, Fiddy started staring at me again. Like, alot. As much as he did before. And he started finding excuses to come near me, even if he didn't talk to me. Just like before! My best friend helped me figure this out, she watches him during every 5th period (her, me, and Fiddy have this class together) and she says he looks at me every chance he gets. And I believe her too, because there will be times that I happend to glance up at him (not volunarily, like if there was a person near him talking, I would look over at that side of the room and accidentally look at him) and he would be staring me down. It kind freaks me out. Like, how long had he been looking? It makes me nervous when guys look at me. D: I get all shaky and clumsy...it's embarrassing! Dx So....yeah. I can't help but feel bad for Hollister. He dumped her exactly like he dumped me. :/ And I've felt that before. Not good at all. Buuuuut, I'm proud to say, I don't like anybody at the moment. :]] It's too much work. Plus, I thought it over a long time, and guys just aren't worth it at this age. Espacially the guys at my school. I swear, they're the worst. I wouldn't date any of them. They're all hot jerks. No, jerks isn't the word for them. They're dicks. And then the ones that aren't are either weird, stalkerish, or saints that wouldn't kiss anyone until after they're married. Can't there just be any decent guys in this lame state? Ones that aren't taken? Or gay? Please? D: That reminds me, I just started the Twilight series two weeks ago. It is absolutely incredible. And, let me tell you, I don't read unless I find an incredible page-turner, and boy, was this a page-turner. I couldn't put the first one down. It was about 600+ pages, and I finished it in less than a week. I let my best friend borrow it, and she finished it in 2 and a half days. It's not cliche at all, like I thought it would be. Stephenie Meyer is an amazing author, and if you love Romance/Action movies or books, you will love Twilight. Just read the first book, you definately won't be disappointed. :]] xo Hopeless Romantic Labels: freshman year |