![]() "This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against." Questions? Concerns? Random observations?
Leave me a message here, or email me here. ♥
May 2008
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Fun times and sore feet.}
Thursday, September 30, 2010 | 9:28 PM | 0Comment ![]() First I'll just clear this up: I went with Best Friend Rose and Gene, kind of stag, but kind of not, since Gene and BFR went together, kind of. Like, they had corsages and all that, but they just went as friends. Anyway. So, the day of Homecoming, (the 25th, one week ago Saturday) I woke up at 9 to start getting ready, because later I would be going to Rosie's place to finish getting ready (make up, hair, and all that), and I needed to shower and shave and all that lovely necessary girl grooming. I told Rose I'd be there around 12, but instead, I ended up showing at 1, because I have time perception problems, apparently. So, I let myself in, and scared Rose half to death when I came downstairs because she didn't hear me come in, even though I screamed, "LUCY, I'M HOME" when I walked in the front door. Then, we blared the radio (I probably heard 'Dynamite' by Taio Cruz 10 times that day.) and while Rosie did her hair, I did my makeup (which included fake eyelashes, which I was paranoid about falling off the whole night and I will NEVER wear them again). In case you're wondering, I played up my eyes and eyebrows and kept the lips nude. And then while Rosie used the mirror and did her makeup, I took the curlers out of my hair (I actually wore them the whole day, you should've seen the looks I got on the way to her house!) and teased and flipped and hairsprayed (the next morning, my hair felt like cardboard! took two washes to get all that hairspray out). I also flat ironed my newly cut bangs, well, not too new, but I got them cut two days before I saw Ricky Bobby at the football game. After that, we briefly ate, and then we got our dresses and accessories and slippers and went to Rosie's older sister's house (remember Ashley? The one with the son?) to get dressed. When there, I put on my really expensive gorgeous purple strapless dress that my dad bought me at Nordstrom's as a gift for good grades and that I will be keeping for the rest of my life. (Seriously, that thing is the most expensive thing in my closet. Probably the most expensive thing I've ever owned, EVER. I tried to talk my dad out of getting it, especially because my family's had money problems my whole life and I feel guilty whenever money's spent on me, but he kept insisting. I don't care if I have to wear that thing to my own wedding, I'M KEEPING IT.) Also put on my knee-high black rose stockings and my maneater black booties and my headband with the miniature top-hat on it. Throw that all together, and you get an outfit that upstages my homecoming 2008 outfit times twenty. (It was bad two years ago. I went shopping last minute. I must've went shopping at 9 stores looking for a dress, and finally, I just settled with a polka-dot one I didn't like because I couldn't find anything else.) And BFR looked amazing! To quote her mom, she "looked like a ballerina on top of jewelry box". Her dress was gold and creme colored, strapless, short(but not harlot short, like some girls seem to like their dresses), and it was fluffy and frilly at the bottom. She had champagne colored high heels and this really cute pearl bracelet that I want to borrow. It's easy to feel plain next to Rosie, even when she's in sweats, but at last that night I felt like I held my own at least a little. So after we got dressed, we headed with Ashley to go take pictures in a nearby nature park (Ashley's a kickass photographer). While we waited for Gene after we got there, people kept looking at us from their car windows and honking at us while they drove by. Gene finally got there, in a grey pinstripe suit and a gold tie to match with Rosie. We decided to not be boring and posey like most people with their Homecoming pictures and we pretended like we were all models and did epic poses. (And whilst looking through all of them on Facebook a few days ago, I decided I need to work on my facial expressions for pictures in the mirror more often. And not blinking and talking while the picture is being taken. That too.) After all the picture taking is done, we left the park a little later than we'd originally planned, but we end up getting there on time anyway. I saw Jazz and a few of her other friends outside the Marriot, and we hug and compliment eachother on our hair and dresses and take more pictures. There was one bad moment when Rosie discovered that a freshman girl had the same dress as hers and almost started crying (oh, the drama.), but after some comforting and about 150 rounds of "Don't worry, it looks so much better on you", all was well again. Before the 'banquet' part of the night started, I greeted and hugged a few more people, including Jerry (woooo, remember him? I wrote about him once, and very briefly, in August 2008. For-ever ago. I find it strange that I didn't mention how him and BFR liked eachother Freshman year and almost dated, but didn't.). It was kind of weird, he just came up to me and gave me this huge hug, like we were best friends and I hadn't seen him in years. Which is totally not the case, because Freshman year he hardly even spoke to me. But, whatever, I guess. People at that school pretend to be someone they're not all the time, so this wasn't new. Then, everyone sat down for dinner (best chicken I've had IN MY LIFE. I've been dreaming about it since.), and I sat at Jazz's table with the guy she likes right now, and the girl he came with (more on that later), and a few other of the people she came with. It was fun, and we all threw confetti from the table at each other and took more pictures. And then the dance portion came, and let me just say, thank God I took my heels off for that, because I possibly would have been debilitated right now ( though my feet were still sore at the end of the night). Gene and Rose and I danced the entire night, even doing the group dances like the Cha Cha Slide and the Cupid Slide and the Electric Slide and the Jump On It dance. The DJ threw us leis and glow sticks, and I had the best time ever. As long as we kept away from the middle of the dance floor. It was chaperoned like mad, the teachers were practically standing guard around the perimeter of the whole dance floor, but the unwritten system of the dances at that school is that everyone forms an impenetrable wall so that the popular kids can grind and drop it like its hot in the middle unseen. I happened to catch a glimpse of Jerry animalistic-ly grinding with some chick in a red dress, front to front, and I couldn't help but lean over to Best Friend Rose and say/scream over the music, "THAT IS SO DISGUSTING." And she nodded and laughed. During the slow dances, I danced with Rosie, and then with Jazz and two of her other friends (simultaneously, and we got very dizzy), and then one all by myself, looking very single and stupid while the couples around me giggled and snuggled and held each other and I wanted to punch them out. I half-wished that Johnny had decided to go, just so he'd dance with me when I didn't have anyone to dance with for times like those (though, he claimed that freshman year ruined all homecomings for him. Please. We had fun. He just said that because he thinks he's too cool for everything now). Thankfully, though, there was only 3 slow dances the whole night. So the night, all in all, was great. I forgot how fun school dances can be, especially when you're with your friends. My feet hurt like hell afterward, and I woke up so sore you'd think I participated in a marathon the day before, and I'm tagged in all sorts of unflattering pictures on Facebook, but it was worth it. Here's to more fun nights this year like Homecoming 2010. xo Hopeless Romantic Labels: homecoming, junior year |