![]() "This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against." Questions? Concerns? Random observations?
Leave me a message here, or email me here. ♥
May 2008
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Missed opportunity.}
Friday, October 8, 2010 | 9:43 PM | 0Comment So, here's a quickie, Internet. Yesterday, I asked Best Friend Rose, "Hey, there's no football game tomorrow, right?" over text message, to which she replied, "No, I don't think so!" Then. THEN. Today, around 6:30 PM, I got this text message from Best Friend Rose, "Omg there's a football game tonight! I JUST found out!" FAIL, BEST FRIEND ROSE. SO FAIL. And of COURSE I can't go, because it takes me 395728 hours to get ready, and the games start at 7 anyway. So, by then I was a little biffed, especially knowing that Ricky Bobby would be there, because he has been every game lately. But THEN I get a call from Johnny, who's at the game already. He greets me and then asks, "Are you coming to the game?" And I tell him no, because Rosie Darling never told me that there was one, until it was too late, that is. And so he says, "Oh, yeah, I guess she didn't know about it. She just texted me and asked me about it like an hour ago." And I hear Ricky Bobby in the background, and I don't know why, but that alone is enough to get my pulse up. And then I say, "Figures." Because she totally does stuff like this all THE TIME. Some of us don't like spontaneity, Rosie! Some of us like planning and scheduling, and actually knowing when something is! "So you aren't coming, then?" Johnny asks to confirm, and I say no, I can't. He continues, "That's too bad. Ricky Bobby wanted to go have coffee with you." ANEURYSM TIME. I don't answer, since I'm apparently having a miniature panic attack, and I can't breathe for a few moments. I hear Ricky Bobby say something irritably in the background, and then Johnny scrambles to say, "And, uh, you know, I did too. We need more dude time." I disregard the fact that he pretty much just called me a dude and only say, "Aw." Because DUH, my girl intuition alarm is going off, and that was obviously a cover up and Johnny wasn't really planning on coming. And I hear RB's voice again, and Johnny says, "Ricky Bobby says he really wanted to see you." I say again, "Aw," like I meant it, but I tried to sound like it didn't mean too much to me, in case he was listening. I hear Johnny tell RB what I said, and then RB says something, and Johnny says to me, "He says he's sad now." I say, "Aww. That makes me sad," and sad really isn't the word for it. More like slowly dying inside, maybe. Johnny tells RB, and then Johnny says, "He says you'd better be." And then a few moments pass when he's distracted, and then when he comes back, he says he's sorry I can't come, and I agree, and then tell him/them to have fun without me. He says he'll try, and the call ends. And then I scream/wail into a pillow. He wanted to see me. He wanted to have coffee with me. COFFEE. WITH ME. ALONE, PROBABLY. THAT'S PRETTY MUCH CONSIDERED A COFFEE DATE, IN MY BOOK. And I couldn't GO on said kind of coffee date because BEST FRIEND ROSE DIDN'T FREAKING TEXT ME EARLY ENOUGH. I know it's not really her fault, since she didn't know, but I'm still pissy because I could've already been on my maybe first date and have an amazing night (or average night) to tell you about. Instead, I took a 2 hour shower and shaved and exfoliated everything, just for the sake of feeling prettier instead of woeful and extremely single. So, if you'll excuse me Internet, I'm going to go die in a corner now. Or watch k-dramas and stuff my face. Whichever comes first. xo Hopeless Romantic Labels: DESPAIR, junior year, ricky bobby |