![]() "This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against." Questions? Concerns? Random observations?
Leave me a message here, or email me here. ♥
May 2008
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Dodged that bullet.}
Sunday, December 12, 2010 | 9:26 PM | 0Comment ![]() I have good news. Phil's status WASN'T about me! He quickly made sure to shoot down all the people who commented, saying, "No!! It's NOT Sarah! She's Mexican, actually." Relief, right? Buuut, before we celebrate, there was one more thing. He had another status about a week and a half ago, that said this: "Thinking about her ;)". And I'm 100% positive it's NOT me this time. BUT. I started stalking the comments, and there's a whole bunch of them underneath, but a few that caught my attention were these, among a conversation about hot this girl he was thinking about was: Burrito (see October entries for reference, more specifically, 'Noodles and Butter Knives'): Sounds hot Phil: Ya she is hot like sarah Burrito: Well how hot do you think she is? And then no answer. Might've been an inside joke kinda thing, and I'm being overly paranoid, but...yeah. So...maybe this is a win, and maybe it isn't? Who knows. But at least it ended up being nothing and I can continue on not blogging about him anymore. Let's hope, right? So, in other non-Phil news, lately I've been thinking about something. And it's something that I notice every holiday season, but I'm just now realizing it again now. Christmas couples are freaking annoying. I'm not talking about couples that have been and were already together before the holiday season. No no. I'm talking about those obnoxious people that only start dating someone they think they like because they don't want to be single for Christmas. The ones that flaunt it all over Facebook and take 6839375 kissing pictures of them and their 'lover' (for the moment) and only post their status updates about how wonderful it is to have a boyfriend/girlfriend and OH MY GOD MY BOYFRAN GOT ME THIS FOR CHRISTMAS AND OMGGG I LUB HIM SOOOO MUCH. EVERY KISS BEGINS WITH KAY. Shut up. Just. Shut up. I want to punch them all in the face. And this isn't just the single/bitter/forever alone/cat lady in me speaking, this is just me in general. It's driving me insane. EVERYDAY on Facebook, I'm seeing a new 'So-and-so is in a relationship' and its getting super old. I mean, come on. We all know that the majority of these Christmas couples are going to be gone by the second week of January. Or, even worse, they'll force it until Valentine's Day, and then break up two days afterward. And I know people hate being single during the holidays, trust me, I totally get that (been single every Christmas of my life thus far), but to try and fool yourself (or the person you're 'dating', or everyone else for that matter) into thinking that you're really in that relationship because you want to be with them, and not because you don't want to be single for the Holidays? Come on. That's bordering on ridiculous. And yet tons of people do it. I'll never understand it. Anyway. My Thanksgiving was great, no drama or stress, just family and food comas, just like I like it. And I'm super excited about Christmas, just like I am every year. Absolutely no Ricky Bobby news or ramblings this entry, aren't you proud of me, Internetz? Getting better and better lately, and honestly, I couldn't be happier. This week is finals week, and I'm already looking forward to it being over, but who doesn't? I've already studied myself half to death, and it's not even Monday yet. Wish me luck, Internet? I'll need it. xo Hopeless Romantic Labels: christmas 2010, junior year, phil |