![]() "This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against." Questions? Concerns? Random observations?
Leave me a message here, or email me here. ♥
May 2008
June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 November 2012 December 2012 March 2013 June 2013 August 2013 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 December 2014 January 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 October 2015 December 2015 January 2016 February 2016 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 July 2016 October 2016 December 2016 September 2017 December 2018 |
Friday, September 23, 2011 | 2:23 PM | 0Comment ![]() I have SO much stuff to update with. Therefore, for some, I will use bulletpoints!
Anyway. TO THE NON-SCHOOL THINGS. And for this part, I can't use bulletpoints. I just can't. There have been two football games so far, and I've been to both of them (of course). They've been pretty interesting. The first football game, I wore an awesome kickass outfit (I'm the master at football game outfits), but during the duration of the night, I got a rock thrown at me (accidentally--I'm hoping, at least)hitting me square in my boob crack, a soccer ball kicked into my back really effing hard, and got elbowed on the top of my head by some Amazonian sophomore dude. None of which apologized, by the way. But I flipped off the soccer player and gave the rock thrower a nice bitch eye. And who plays soccer at a football game?? WHO?! So during the parts of the game when I'm not getting pummeled by random objects, we were just walking around, greeting and people. This includes one large group that we hung with for quite a while, and the group included Burrito, one guy that I've known since Elementary but have never really talked to, one of Rosie's good friends named Maria (pretty positive she doesn't like me, but oh well.), 4 strangers who pretty much ignored me, and Phil (whom Best Friends Rose is pretty good friends with now, and also whom I completely avoided, as he did for me. Ah, ex crushes.) It's funny, in football games' past, I always got a lot of people coming up to me and hugging me and saying 'SARAH OMFG I MISS YOU' but now they all couldn't care less. Doesn't bother me really, because I couldn't care less about them either, it just strikes me as funny. Also, after the first football game, me, Rosie, and this girl I'll call Jezebel (known her since the 8th grade, God I love her, but just know I named her this for a reason.), went to this little taco stand right by Rose's house. I mean, it's not literally a stand, but it's one of those super little 24hr drive-thru places with patio seats in front of it. The place may be little, but they have some of the best Mexican food I've ever had. We had these supreme quesadillas with cheese and beans and pico de gallo and homemade guacamole and sour cream and AMAZINGNESS. The second football game was the weekend before last, on a Saturday. It was great fun too, though I noticed a few more things this time than I did last time. Like how Johnny and Ricky Bobby aren't attached at the hip anymore. Last year RB came to every football game with Johnny, and now, I don't even hear anything about him anymore. This doesn't bother me like it used to honestly, but I'll admit I am a bit curious just to see how he's doing. But it appears that he and Johnny aren't that close anymore. Go figure. Also, Johnny and I don't really get along like we used to. We used to just be able to talk, and hang out, and I'd be completely comfortable with him, but something changed apparently. I couldn't tell you what changed, but something did. We're still friendly and we still talk whenever we see each other, but we used to be able to just talk about the randomest crap and banter back and forth. Not anymore. It kind of saddens me, but part of me wonders if maybe he didn't change at all, and maybe that's why. Maybe I changed. Funny how you don't notice things changing until it's too late to go back. Anyhow, me and Rosie and Gene hung out the entire time like last time. We also hung out with the big group we chatted with last time, including Johnny and his new bed buddy, Autumn. (I talked about her once on here, briefly. Ex-bff of Rosie, and of me kind of, although I'm pretty positive she's always hated me and just tolerated me because me and Rosie were so close too.) Also, a few times we talked to the Korean exchange student that Gene and his family are hosting. Mostly he just hung out with the other exchange students, but a few times he came over and talked with us. Okay, before I go on, let's just revisit a certain aspect about me, Internet. I. LOVE. KOREA. Now, of course, I love all things foreign. I still love Tokio Hotel, and it's a well known fact that they're from Germany. I have all of their German songs memorized by heart, and I even took German because I was so interested in learning more about German culture. I was and still am obsessed with Latin music, and Hispanic culture has always fascinated me. In middle school, I went through a huge (ugh) weaboo Japan phase, when all I read was manga and all I watched was anime and KAWAII DESU CHAN!!111!1 One could just look at my very first blog entry to confirm this. (I actually still watch anime every now and again. Don't judge. Alot of them are really good. I just don't obsess.) My Hello Kitty obsession now is actually left over from that period, and I also gained a good friend of mine, Haruka. Me and her have been exchanging letters (yes, LETTERS. dun dun dun.) since 7th grade, and we're still close, as close as letter-exchanging penpals can be. We even follow each other on Twitter. I just love other cultures, and I always have. But Internet, I'm telling ya. Something about South Korean culture has me absolutely enamored. I don't even remember when it started. My guess is somewhere around April 2010, when I stumbled across a Super Junior music video on Youtube. It started slowly at first. I started listening to a few Super Junior songs, and I loved to dance to them, but I didn't know any other groups. Then, I discovered a Girl's Generation music video. At this point, I couldn't help but wonder if every Korean pop group had five million members in them. Still cautious, but I listened to a few of their songs too. Then, it was 2ne1. Then f(x). Then once I found SHINee, it was like tripping downhill, and it all went from there and there was no going back. You may raise your brow, but it wasn't so strange to me, considering my love for anything Japanese a few years ago. Then once I was already engrossed in Korean music, I found Korean Dramas (I've definitely talked about my love for k-dramas a few times on here). I also started watching Korean variety shows and movies, falling more in love every time. Soon I found myself wanting to learn the Korean language, social dynamics, humor, everything. I. Love. Korea. And it's not even that I'm like how I was with Japan in middle school, claiming that superior!Japan was in every single way better than crappy!America. I know that just like every other country, Korea has its faults too, but my love for its culture makes all of it worth it to me. But at the same time, don't get me wrong. I still listen to American music of course, and British music, and what have you. It's just that at the moment I'm enamored with Korean music the most. And all of this is no secret to my friends or family. Everyone that even really knows me knows about it. It's not even a secret, and I don't bother to keep it one. People think it's strange, but I couldn't care less. It's a part of who I am, and what I love, take it or leave it. So, what was I saying? OH, yes. Gene's exchange student. He has an English name, but just in case, let's call him Shy Boy. (If any of you at all got that reference I just made, 1000000000 points for you.) Shy Boy seemed nice, and I had seen him once before at the other football game. Gene introduced us, very briefly in fact, but we hadn't talked. So this time, he came and talked to us a few times, and it was nice. And it wasn't until maybe the second time he came to talk to us that I realized that he was cute. Really cute. Okay, Internet, cut me a break here. I don't have some creepy Asian fetish. Okay? I don't. I know there's unattractive Asian men and attractive Asian men just as well. Even if I do love Korean culture, I don't just go creep on every Korean person I see. But, you know me. I just like what I see. So by the end of the night, me and Rosie wanted to go to the Mexican place with Jezebel again, as well as Gene, and she agreed to meet us there. As it turned out, Gene was the one who drove Shy Boy to the football game, so Shy Boy came with us in Gene's car to go to the restaurant. And in the car, Rosie drove (just recently got her license and car by the way. She's a great driver. Yay Rose!), Gene sat in the passenger seat, and then it was just me and Shy Boy in the backseat. I was really more nervous than I should've been, Internet. I just sat there, pretending to listen to Gene and Rose talking while I sent tweets with my phone about how adorable I thought Shy Boy was and how nervous I was. And then, just after I sent another tweet about him and closed my phone, pretending to be intensely interested by something outside the window, he spoke to me. "Can I see your phone?" He asked me. Now I, jumping into an immediate stole-the-cookies-from-the-cookie-jar mindset, stared at him in a sort of dazed way and gripped my phone. "Huh?" My first thought was that he had somehow seen my tweets about him, even though he was completely sitting on the other side of the car. "Oh, uh..." He looked at me for a moment, seeming to be looking for the words. He pointed to his wrist. My brain finally kick started and I realized that he wanted to see the time. "Oh! You want to see the time?" He nodded. "Yeah." I nearly handed him my whole phone, but I (still being paranoid, obviously) thought about how he could possibly accidentally see my texts about him, so I just showed him the front screen. He glanced for a few seconds, and then leaned back in his seat again, thanking me. I said he was welcome. And then....nothing. Seriously, nothing. For the whole rest of the car ride. Thankfully, it wasn't a long drive. So when we got there, Jezebel was already waiting in her car. We walked up to the front window to order, Jezebel and Rose both getting the supreme amazing quesadillas, and me being not so hungry, and just having some chips and guac. Gene got rice if memory serves, and Shy Boy didn't get anything, because he had had nachos at the game earlier. And I notice something again, something I'd noticed a few times at the game as well. Whenever Shy Boy was hanging with the group we were with, he was noticeably left out. I've actually noticed this with all exchange students about 90% of the time, but it made me feel bad to see it. He just looked a bit out of place. It made me want to just march right up to him, say something in Korean to him, and we could have a wonderful, fluent Korean conversation. ........ONLY I'M NOT FLUENT IN KOREAN. NOT EVEN A LITTLE CLOSE TO IT. So when this happens again at the Mexican place, and Gene and Jezebel and Rosie are all freely talking about something, I just want to talk to him so he won't feel left out. As I'm desperately going over the very few Korean words I know by memory (being the usual words you learn when you're just learning a new language; hello, goodbye, thank you, please, etc) time ticks by, and I cannot think of one think to say to start a conversation. Until...FINALLY. I remembered one phrase from one of the few Korean lessons I've had. The phrase means 'I don't speak Korean'! Perfect, although sort of ironic, because it's just like saying 'No habla espanol', even though you're speaking Spanish by saying that. But I decide to say it anyway. Now the tricky part was figuring out when to say it to him. When we finally get our food, and we start eating, Shy Boy once again gets left out, so I decide to talk to him. A bit hesitantly, I lean over towards him. "Excuse me, what's your name?" I say as charmingly as I can. (Of course I already knew his name, but it was a good conversation opener with a stranger at least.) He looks over at me and immediately responds, seeming to appreciate that someone was actually talking to him. "Oh, I'm Shy Boy. You are?" I smile. "I'm Sarah. It's nice to meet you." He grins a bit. "Nice to meet you too." To my blatant surprise, he kept it going. "Are you a Senior?" I nod. "Oh, yeah, I'm a Senior." I add for some reason completely beyond me, "I'm short for a senior." "Oh," he said, nodding, not seeming to notice the awkwardness of my last comment. "Do you go to (insert name of my old school/Rosie's school here)?" Best Friend Rose decides to jump in, which relieved me, since I needed to get my nerves together before I made another short comment. "No, she doesn't. She used to, though." "Yeah, I used to!" I agree. He nods again. "Oh, okay." He says, then talks directly to me again. "So where do you go to school?" "Um," I pause for a second, wonder if he'd know what what I'm talking about if I said I was homeschooled. Do they have homeschool in Korea? I don't know, but considering the hardass reputation of education there, I'm guessing not. "I go to school at home." He looks at me for a moment or two, processing that, and then he nods hugely in understanding. "Ah, okay I see." I chuckle, but afterwards there's a considerable lull, and I can feel the conversation ending. I wrestled over whether or not to say it in my head for a few quick seconds, and in the end I impulsively decide it's now or never. I blurt it out. "Hangukeo...motaeyo!" I say with an unnecessary pause in between due to losing some nerve. Because I've never really spoken Korean to anyone before, at least no one that could actually understand it. My pronunciation was probably all over the place and all American-y, but there it was. Shy Boy glances at me again, visibly taken aback, and then he exclaims, "Oh!" and laughs. I almost ask if I said it right, but instead I just laugh with him, my face burning. To be honest I think my boldness shocked both of us, because after that, neither of us could even look at each other. It was only for a bit though, because shortly after that Gene had to leave, and him and Shy Boy left. My hands probably shook for a good ten minutes afterward. So, let's be real here, Internet. I seriously doubt that even if he were to get interested in me, that he'd want to get involved with some girl here if he were just going back to Korea next May. BUT. At least I can say I didn't sit around and do nothing while he was being left out. AND at least I can say I've finally spoke Korean to someone that legitimately speaks it, at least once! (I've spoken to a few Koreans on Twitter before, but I partly used Google Translate, and they could immediately tell, so that doesn't count.) So I don't regret it! Nope. I REGRET NOTHING. So, that's everything thus far. Damn, look at the length of this entry. See? This is what happens when I don't regularly update you guys. It gets all pent up and eventually I have enough in me to write a whole novel on here!! But now that I've gotten used to the swing of school again, I'll update more regularly, promise. Hope your new school year is going as well as mine! xo Hopeless Romantic Labels: long posts are looong, omfg korea, school, senior year, shy boy |