![]() "This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against." Questions? Concerns? Random observations?
Leave me a message here, or email me here. ♥
May 2008
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Air Force.}
Monday, April 9, 2012 | 9:43 AM | 0Comment By the way, the guy I was talking to on OKCupid before? The one that works in the Air Force? (We'll call him Air Force.) Yeah, finally logged on and read his message. He gave me his number. It went something to the effect of: So, we've been talking for a while now. It's sort of tedious to keep Kind of hot, actually. Some might see it as forceful, but I find it hot. But...here's the thing. Sooooo busy right now. And honestly, I knew this was coming eventually. With Drew, this same exact thing happened. We talked for about two weeks on OKC messages, and then Drew asked for my number, and we started texting. Pretty much saw this one coming. Which is why I haven't texted him. Air Force is nice. Really, he is. He's quite cool. We have some hobbies in common, and he's nice to talk to. But I have no time to think about dating right now. None. And I know if I text him, I'm going to want to text him all the time, just like Drew. And then texting all the time leads to hopes getting up, and getting closer, and then a date being planned. And then, if all goes well, dating. And if not, then disappointment and it will have just been a giant waste of time that I needed to have in the first place to focus on my last month of school. Cannot. Date. Right. Now. You can see I've thought alot about this. Oh. I have. And I kind of feel bad for not texting him, because I know how hard it is to put yourself out there, and I really appreciate it and I'm totally flattered. And this has nothing to do with him, because if I were in a better place in my life right now, I'd totally go for him. Totally. But I just cannot afford to right now. Also, this is kind of beside the point, but lately I've found another obsession to add to my growing list of things that I do in my spare time (which is increasingly less these days). Astrology. Okay. I'm not one of those people that religiously believe in it and reads their horoscope every morning and stuff. Really. 98.99% of the time, it's just for fun. And 98.99% of the time I'll read things that are supposed to be about the characteristics of Aries and I'm like 'lolwut' because it's like the polar opposite of how I am and it's funny. But something I like to read about are compatibility stuff. A lot of it is bologna, but then every once in a while, I'll read something that's so accurate I stop and go 'whoa.' Like, for instance, I'm Aries, a fire sign, and all of the fire signs understand each other and get along really well. Rosie's a Leo, another fire sign. And romantically, the fire signs are supposed to have an instant connection, drawn together like soul mates almost. Drew was a Saggittarius, the other fire sign. And Air Force is one too. Weird, right? A coincedence, but still weird. But it sort of pisses me off and makes me laugh at the same time because Aries and Saggittarius are suppose to be like, made for each other. And while Drew and I got along, we were nowhere near perfect for eachother. It makes me wonder if there are people out there that date people just because of their 'sign', and go with someone they believe to be compatible with them only to turn out disappointed like I was. At the same time, though, there were some things I read about how Saggittarius men are supposed to act, and some of the things I saw, like highly athletic, friendly to everyone, aloof and independent, doesn't really like to talk about emotions, was scarily accurate. Also weird. So even though I don't believe in these things as 100% absolute fact, some things like that still kind of freak me out with their accuracy. I'm not gonna lie, part of me wonders if that's another reason why I don't want to take a chance on Air Force right now. They're two completely different people, but at the time, Drew seemed like someone I'd been able to see myself with, too. And the last thing I need is to experience that whole mess twice. Also got a message from another guy on there recently. He messaged first, saying, "You know who you remind me of?" and I said, "Haha. Who?" And then he said, "An extremely gorgeous girl." Vomit. Haha, just kidding. I mean, it was sweet, it was. But I was suspicious as soon as I saw it. He's 19, and from the looks of his pictures, very attractive. A Leo. What was the catch? I go to his profile. Oh, there's the catch. He has a kid. A two year old kid. At age 19. With a girl he's no longer with, whom he decided to call a bitch publicly on his profile. Welp. This is why I don't even bother with guys my age, lol. I wonder if he was on 16 and pregnant? In other news, Best Friend Rose met a guy on OKC. Up until now, she hadn't really taken it seriously. She mostly made it so we could read each other weird/pervy messages we'd gotten and laugh at them. But I guess about a month and a half ago, she started talking to his guy on there. Before she knew it, they couldn't stop talking, and soon they exchanged Facebook URLs and numbers, and they were texting nonstop. So about two weeks ago, they met up for coffee. And it went AMAZINGLY. They talked forever, got along great, and planned their next date. She said he even bought her coffee for her, opened doors for her, and pulled out her chair for her. Waaaah. SO cute. But she really really likes him, and I'm so glad she's found somebody like this, especially during this time in her life. I haven't met him yet, but I'm sure with the way things are going, I'll get to soon. Also, I'm glad that she met him on OKC, of all places. I haven't had such luck with it, but I'm glad she has. Maybe online dating isn't worthless after all? Maybe just for me? Hahaha. Also also, I'm supposed to be doing Stats, but I'm stalling right now. Big time. I just have so much on my mind! xo Hopeless Romantic Labels: air force, drew, okcupid |