♡ the life of a 25 year old hopeless romantic ♡

"This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against."

Questions? Concerns? Random observations?
Leave me a message here, or email me here. ♥

Dude. Are you kidding me with this?}
Sunday, July 29, 2012 | 6:36 PM | 0Comment

I first got this message from him a few days ago:
"Just saying hi! Hope your week's going well!"
Nice of him, right? I didn't look at his profile, but I decided to respond anyway, because I'll rarely ever get decent friendly messages like that on OKC. So last night I respond with, "Thanks, I hope yours is too! :)" Maybe the smiley face was overkill, but I can't help it, I like smilies.

So then, not even an hour later, I get this. Four messages from this guy in a row, each one minute apart. I kid you not. And when I got the notifications, I was doing something else on my iPod, so getting four push notifications in a row was pretty irritating, lol. I thought maybe it was just a glitch, until I checked my email and saw all these.

Like, holy crap. First of all, couldn't he have put them all in one message? I mean really. Why spam me with four little ones with mostly single sentences in them?! This wasn't IM, either. It was in email! I don't...I can't...

This is what they said, in order of message, and I quote:

Message 1: Thanks!
Message 2: We have alot in common haha. I'm probably not as big a book worm as you but I can be a dork
Message 3: Oh and coffee, Italian, not a big partier or drinker also ha
Message 4: Have you traveled much?

...........See, these give me the impression of one aspect of online dating that I never really liked. The 'selling points'. When a person lists off their best qualities one after the other in a single sentence in hopes of you 'buying'. I never liked that. Like, I'm not buying a car here. I'm looking for a relationship. And why try to 'sell' yourself to everybody, most of whom you probably wouldn't have a connection with anyway? That's what makes me so uncomfortable.

I guess this is what I get for trying to be polite, haha. I hardly ever respond to messages on OKC anymore, and I thought I'd start to again, even if it's just to be polite. Perhaps this is why I stopped?

Also, I feel like the 'dork' statement was supposed to be a selling point for me. Should I be...flattered? Haha.

Sigh. Oh OKC.

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