![]() "This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against." Questions? Concerns? Random observations?
Leave me a message here, or email me here. ♥
May 2008
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Belated Belated Belated Valentine's Day}
Sunday, March 24, 2013 | 9:51 PM | 0Comment Internet. What the hell is up?? (That was meant in a, 'Hey! How ya doin'? I haven't seen you in a while!' way, not in an angry accusatory way. Ahem.) I really wanted to write this entry last month (on Single Awareness Day last month, to be exact) but I've been caught up in a lot lately. (You'll see what in my next entry, which is ACTUALLY coming up right after this one. I swear! Really!) So, I'm writing it now! You guys should know by now that any thoughts about Ricky Bobby are very far and few for me now, so not freaked out by this, ok? Before this, I hadn't actually even thought of him since a few months ago when I randomly freaked out after that dream I had about him and blocked him on FB, haha. So no worries! However. Since Valentine's Day was coming up, I couldn't help but think about the last pleasant Valentine's memory I had. I have my share of negative Valentine's memories (read: Ricky Bobby 2.0 and the whole fiasco he created between Best Friend Rose and I in the 7th grade.) but incidentally this one comes from the 8th grade, with THE Ricky Bobby. Okay. So something you guys should know first is my tutu stage in middle school. Man, did I love my tutu. I had this tutu that I actually wore to school with regular outfits. LITERALLY, over my jeans. I'd just wear it whenever I felt like it. And the weird thing: my school had a super strict dress code, and normally girls couldn't wear costume-like clothes to school. I'd even seen other girls wear tutus and get told to take them off. But me? Never. My teachers always let me wear it, hell half the time my history and English teacher told me that I looked adorable in it. No one EVER told me to take it off. Not even the principal. Maybe because I always kissed the teacher's butts?? Who knows. So yes, one the subject of the tutu: Valentine's Day in the 8th grade, I woke up that morning and decided I would be a Valentine's Day fairy. I woke up super early, composed an outfit made completely of red and pink and white, including pink patterned knee-high socks, my tutu, and huge red heart earrings. The night before, I had filled out two whole boxes of Valentines (one box of Tweety Bird, one box of Hello Kitty, with 'You!' in the 'to:' part), and the whole day at school I passed them out to random people in the hallways. It was fun, and I only got a small percentage of them thrown back at me (lol). I finished lunch early that day, and I was going around the hallways looking for more people to give Valentines to. Out of the blue, I found Ricky Bobby, sitting down in the hallway by himself, looking sad. The thought of him being sad made me sad, and being in the upbeat mood I was in, it gave me a boost of confidence, so I decided to go over to him and see what was wrong. I sat next to him, said hi, and after he said hi back, I asked what was wrong. "I hate Valentine's Day," he said. "Why?" I asked. "Because it's stupid. There's all this romantic crap everywhere and it just makes you feel bad." I chuckled, nodding. I still hated Valentine's Day at that point too, but I guess after the last one that I'd had, I wanted to make a nicer memory for that year. I tell Ricky Bobby this, and he tells me that he thinks that's cool. After that, we get up, and take a walk around the hallway together. I don't remember exactly what we were saying to each other, but I do remember just joking around and making small talk. At this point in time, I definitely liked him, but it was before he found out. I remember thinking to myself how easy it was to talk to him, and how nervous I was, but also how just talking to him had made my whole day. It also freaked me out, it's worth noting. Soon enough, it was about time to leave to our 6th period class, and he was about to leave to his locker. I told him to wait, reached into my bag of Valentines, and gave him one. "Happy Valentine's Day," I told him, half-laughing as I did. It was really meant to be a joke, in a ha-ha-you-hate-valentines-day-and-i-just-gave-you-one ironic way. But he opened it up, stared at it, and looked up at me and smiled in the most genuine way, like the gesture had actually touched him. "Thank you, Sarah." "You're welcome," I told him, smiling back, and then I turned around and left first, because my heart was pounding so fast and I felt like I was going to fall over right in front of him if I didn't leave right then. I was so flustered, I didn't even realize that I was heading the wrong way for my next class, causing me to have to take the long way and be a minute or two late. I think that was when I really realized how much I liked Ricky Bobby. The way he got so happy over a little cheap cartoon Valentine just....overwhelmed me. Like really, how adorable is that? That was always a personality trait I liked in RB. He was always so appreciative of the littlest things. (See my first entry, where I talk about the going away present I gave him.) I think that's a nice trait to have. Anyway, my Valentine's Day this year was...very uneventful. Usually I do something that I love or something that's fun to chase away the blues but this year I just...did nothing. Haha. I watched TV and surfed the Internet. I watched Ridiculousness with my mom for a little bit, but after a while my mood turned sour so I went up to my room and listened to music. Yep. Pretty lame. Not like it's a rule to do something special on V-day anyway, but still. Not a memorable day in the slightest. But at least I have the memory of that Valentine's to remember. It's very sweet, and even though Ricky Bobby is out of my life now, I'll cherish that nice memory. xo Hopeless Romantic Labels: 2013, ricky bobby, valentine's day |