![]() "This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against." Questions? Concerns? Random observations?
Leave me a message here, or email me here. ♥
May 2008
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Something New Going On?}
Saturday, February 28, 2009 | 1:45 PM | 0Comment So, Internet... Ahhhhhh! D: This week was insane. Seriously. So much happened, I didn't even know what to think! Except for the fact that the entire week, I kept thinking, 'I have to blog about this!!' I might have to make this into two parts, because it's going to be long! So, let's start with Monday. It started out like any other boring Monday. The first half was completely normal. Except for the fact that mine and Rose's other friend, Autumn, started blowing us off. So that was like, 'okay, fine, whatever.' But then, The second half starting getting weird. So, I only have 6 classes during the day, because I didn't have a first hour to begin with, and then when I wanted a study hall eighth hour, the office just gave me no eighth hour instead. Yeah, it's awesome. Haha. But anyway, so I go to the school library to do homework during 'eighth hour', because I hate doing homework at home for some reason. So, It's eighth hour, and I realize I forgot to get one of my books for my homework, so I leave my stuff in the library and go to my locker to get it. I get my book, and then heading back to the library, guess who turns a corner in the hallway? Fiddy. Yup. And it was extremely awkward, because, 1. There was nobody else in the hallway except for us two. And 2. I hadn't talked to him at all from December to that day. So, despite the awkwardness, I just gave him a small smile. Instead of smiling back or waving or saying hi like a normal person, he just stared at me. I mean, like, his eyes were practically boring into me! It was so weird. So, I just kinda kept walking, casually running my fingers through my hair (something I do to distract myself). Ahh, it was the weirdest thing! And then, when I got back to the library, after a while of working, an annoying boy named Derek came in. Now first, before you judge, Derek annoys everyone. He shouts sexual profanities in the hallways, he never brings his stuff to class, and he's always late to his classes. I'm really amazed that the school hasn't kicked him out yet. And Derek has a liking to bugging the hell out of me, since he knows I espacially don't like him. So, he comes into the library with his friend, Phil, and he shouts "Sarah!! Sarah!!" I slowly look at him, glaring. "What?" I reply impatiently. "Um, Uhh, Uh.." He punches Phil in the arm. "PHIL WANTS YOU!" My eyebrows raise. "Excuse me?" Phil puts his hands up defensively. "No!! No!! Don't believe him!! Don't believe anything he says!! No!!" All the while, Derek is laughing his head off. I shake my head. "Uh...okay." They start to walk off, and I get back to work. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Phil pushing Derek in a way you push someone when you're annoyed with them. I listen closely, and I hear Phil say, "If you ever do that again, I will kill you. That is a threat." And then I hear Derek reply, "But it's true! OW!" Phil hits him again and says. "I don't care! Never do that again!" For reasons I can't fathom, the librarian isn't telling them to shut up. But she's a pretty cool librarian. She's in her late 20's and actually knows how to dress. She's really nice, too. Anyway, I after this, I couldn't focus on my homework at all. After both of these events, I was seriously a little freaked out, and I wondered if there was something in the water at school. After the last bell rang, I practically ran to the car. I couldn't wait to get away from that crazy place!! xD; Then, the next morning, I go to my second period class. Phil is in my second period class. I didn't really even notice that fact at all until yesterday. During the whole class, he wouldn't stop staring at me. I mean, really staring at me. Like, even when I accidently glanced at him, he didn't look away. Each time, I just told myself it was a coincidence. Later that day, I was talking to Best Friend Rose about what happened the day before with Fiddy. After I finish telling her, she tells me that he had been doing the same with her! As in, staring her down, acting weird. Yes, folks, Fiddy is at it again. And that's not even part of it! Read part 2! xo Hopeless Romantic Labels: freshman year, phil |