![]() "This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against." Questions? Concerns? Random observations?
Leave me a message here, or email me here. ♥
May 2008
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Something New Going On? P. 2!}
Saturday, February 28, 2009 | 2:20 PM | 0Comment Okay. So, Best Friend Rose told me that the same day the weird thing that happened to me with Fiddy, the weird thing happened to her too! In English, (she still has English with him) she had to use a calculator to find the percentage grade of the person's paper she was grading. Fiddy was nearby, and he had a calculator, so she asked him if she could barrow it. He gave it to her, and after she was done, he came over to her desk. When she said, "Here you go!" and held the calculator out to him, the weirdest thing happened. She said he just stood there, staring into her eyes. Like, his eyes were boring into hers! Rose isn't intimidated by that like I am (when he did that to me, I couldn't look at him for more than 3 seconds. xD) so she stared back, comepletely thrown off. She said she didn't know what to do, and it felt like forever until he finally took the calculator and walked away. She described it as weird, too. By now, we both know his tricks. We spent the rest of the conversation trying to think of what he was up to. By the way, he still has that 'girlfriend'. You know, the poor girl that goes to another school and has no idea about his playboy ways? He finally posted a picture of him and her together on myspace. It looked like they were dressed up for Sadie's, (Which, by the way, I didn't go to that. I just didn't feel like it. haha.) and Fiddy had a forced-looking smile on his face. I'm just wondering how long he's going to lead her on like this. She looks like such a nice girl. Meanwhile, every morning in second period, Phil continues to stare at me. By Wednesday, I start to realize that maybe it's not a coincidence. After all, on Wednesday, I spent so much time curling my hair (it takes forever, my hair's so long!) that I couldn't pick out an outfit, so I just wore a hoodie, skinny jeans, and my new moccasin flats (which I love by the way.). It was a sute outfit, I guess, but not super-i-spent-forever-picking-this-out-cute, you know? And he still stared. At first, maybe I thought there was something wrong, like I had something on my face or something like that. But his expression wasn't disgusted. And honestly, Phil isn't bad at all. I don't understand why he hangs out with Derek all the time, because I personally think he could do better (sorry, I just really don't like Derek. hahaha.). And, really, he is so cute. Really, he is. He has really nice, long brown hair that falls into his blue eyes, and he has a cute nose! Haha. He has freckles, and for some reason, I love freckles. Yeah, he's really cute. I realized something too...he reminds me alot of Ricky Bobby. His personality, his style, and his looks, except for the fact that Ricky Bobby has green eyes instead of blue. It's almost weird how much he reminds me of Ricky Bobby. But I won't assume anything yet. I don't wanna just assume anything, because I've been so careful with guys. I don't want to risk my heart again. But even into Thursday, he stared at me. Then came Friday, the craziest day of all. My day started off with Phil staring at me, and I even caught his eyes with mine a few times. And when he stared at me, I mean, every chance he got, he stared. Even when I wasn't doing anything, like staring into space. Even when I was talking to Jessica Simpson (see past entires for refrence), he just stared. I was beginning to feel flattered. Though I didn't want to assume things, I couldn't help being flattered. Then, when walking to my fifth hour class with Best Friend Rose, we happened to walk past Fiddy. I watched from my perefial vision, and I saw his gaze switch from Rose to me, then to Rose, then to me again. Rose hadn't noticed, but I ended up telling her later. Then during lunch, the table Rose and I usually sat at was full, so we sat at the one next to it. I hadn't brought enough money to get a slice of pizza, so as I stood, I asked Rose who she though I could borrow money from. She suggested AJ, and I looked around the entire Cafeteria to find him. "Are you sure he's here today?" I asked her, and when I glanced over to where Fiddy's table was near, and I accidentally glanced at Fiddy. He was watching me, and I looked away quickly and pulled at my clothes. Even though I don't like him, I don't think any girl couldn't feel self-concious and nervous under his gaze. "Maybe he's not," Rose replied. I nodded, and I glanced around the Cafeteria one last time. I didn't see him, so I almost looked back at Rose. Before I did, though, I noticed Fiddy and Amazon (also see past entires for refrence) getting up from their table. I shook it off, assuming they were getting food or something. Out of my perefial vision, I saw that they were watching us as they walked. 'No,' I thought. 'They can't be...' Sure enough, a few seconds later, they were greeting us. "Heyyyy!" Fiddy says. "What's goin' on?" Amazon grabs a chair. "Mind if we sit with you guys?" My eyebrows were raised, and since I couldn't respond, Rose replied, "Sure, go ahead!" We exchange a quick, 'WTF' glance, too quick for them to notice, because they seemed to be having a silent exchange themselves. So, Fiddy tries to sit next to Rose, but then Amazon sits next to her. (Oh! By the way, Rose and Amazon are pretending to date. Its weird. Like, the kind of pretending, as in, everyone knows its pretending. Like, 'just joking around' pretending...yeah. It's really weird.) So Fiddy goes, "Well, fine! I'd rather sit next to Sarah anyways!" I chuckle, but inside, I'm totally freaking out. I'm like, 'What's going on?!' So then I see Jessica Simpson walk by the enterence, and I say, "Haha, well, I'll be right back." Behind me, I hear Fiddy say, "Well, gosh!" All jokingly. Rose and Amazon laugh. I don't bother to turn around and laugh with them over my shoulder, I'm too freaked out. I say hi to Jessica Simpson and give her a hug (we're really good friends now! She's a doll.) and ask her if I could borrow a dollar. She gives me one, I thank her, and I buy a slice of pizza. The whole time I'm away from the table, I'm 1. Glad none of them at the table can see me, because I'm having a mild nervous breakdown, and 2. Wondering how the hell I'm going to eat in front of them. (I have this issue with eating in front of guys. I'm not sure why, I just get super self-concious!) So I start to return to the table, and Fiddy is sitting in my seat next to Rose. I sigh and shake my head. By now, I'm pretty sure I know what he's up to. I finally reach the table, and I say, "Oh, I see how it is, Fiddy." And with a smile, I reach to move my stuff over to the next empty seat. He pretends to be innocent. "Oh, sorry! Do you want me to move?" "No, it's alright." I almost said yes, but I wanted to see how he would use this to his advantage. So, I sat down, and I noticed that Amazon was putting cream cheese on Rose's bagel for her. I chuckled under my breath and resisted the urge to roll my eyes. This was beginning to be too much. They were so obvious, it was almost disgusting. Fiddy and I watched Rose and Amazon banter back and forth flirtatiously (I really think they like eachother secretly or something) and Amazon tried to figure out the unlock code for Rose's phone. I could feel the awkward air between Fiddy and I, and I also knew he wanted me to start a conversation between us. I wouldn't ever grant him that pleasure. :] During all this, I awkwardly picked at my pizza crust and ate small pieces at a time. I couldn't risk getting pepperoni getting stuck in my teeth now. xD After Fiddy tried unlocking Rose's phone, I smirked and said aloud, "I know it." All three looked at me, and Rose said, "Don't tell them!!" "I won't!" I said, and took her phone. I entered the password and her wallpaper greeted me. I waved it in front of them and said, "Ha-ha!" Then quickly took it back and locked it again. They tried to badger me to tell them what it was, and Fiddy tried to seduce me with his eyes. Haha! It didn't work on me once. I was extememly proud of myself. Finally lunch was over, they left, and I could finally shove my pizza down my throat. xD After they left, Rose and I looked at eachother, and she said, "Uhh...what just happened?" Neither of us had any idea. And then concludes the weirdest week of my life. Sorry it was so long. ><;; It's like a freakin' novel. Haha. I'll update you on more stuff later! xo Hopeless Romantic Labels: freshman year, phil |