♡ the life of a 25 year old hopeless romantic ♡

"This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against."

Questions? Concerns? Random observations?
Leave me a message here, or email me here. ♥

Confession Time.}
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 | 10:11 PM | 0Comment

Okay, Internet, I admit it.

I've sort of been hiding something from you for the past week. Something kind of...well, not big, but not trivial either.

I've been talking to Ricky Bobby lately.

Yes, yes, I know! I can practically hear your heavy sighs coming through the computer screen. I know. More about Ricky Bobby.

Because, the fact is, he's in town for vacation. Evidently, though, he's been in town for a while. Like, almost a month. And I had no idea. Which I suppose is good, actually. It shows that I'm not as involved with him as much anymore.

But yes, we've been talking. On myspace, if you could call that talking. And it's more of the confusing 'send, no reply, send again, reply, send, reply, send, wait a few days, send again, reply' pattern. It's tiring. But I can't bring myself to give up.

Not only am I guilty for that, Internet, but the other crime I'm guilty of makes me ashamed, myself.

I'm guilty of wanting to see him.

And I'm not only wanting to see him. That's kind of an understatement. I have a horrifying urge to see him. And I'm thinking about him all the time now.

I know, I know!!

It's awful. And as much as I know I'm seriously going to pay for it later, as much as I know I'm just hurting myself by doing this and setting myself up for pain, I can't bring myself to stop talking to him.

And I've actually been planning to make plans to see him, too! It just keeps getting worse!

Internet, maybe it's time for an intervention. I need someone to free me from the huge, gaping hole I'm digging myself into.

xo Hopeless Romantic

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Catching Up.}
Thursday, July 9, 2009 | 10:05 PM | 0Comment

Hey Internet!

So, I'm finally going to fill you in on everything that happened with Phil during the rest of the school year. I can't believe I put it off for this long, there's so much to tell you! But to make things easier, I'll use bullet points.

  • Girl finally approaches boy about the so-called 'mutual like' and asks him straight up, to-his-face if he likes her. Boy says yes.
  • Things are less awkward and feel less forced now that everything is out in the open.
  • Then, the very last day of school, there is a slightly awkward, hugless goodbye.
  • Girl is slightly disappointed, but Best Friend Rose says that it would have probably been awkward anyway. Girl agrees.
  • Boy then takes a two month-long trip to Europe- Germany and Italy to be exact.
  • Girl and boy's somewhat 'relationship', if it was considered that since they didn't even start dating, starts to dwindle over time.
  • Girl completely loses interest. Boy's status unknown.
  • The End.

Sadly, that is where this tale ends. So far, at least.

And, it's not like I didn't try to keep in touch with Phil. I really, truly did. He has a Facebook, and I tried talking to him, but he was so busy, he couldn't find the time to reply until mostly weeks later. And I could sort of tell by the way he replied that he wasn't really interested in talking to me.

So, it's okay.

I'm a little disappointed, but to be honest, I wasn't as into him as I've been into other guys. Sometimes, it felt like he liked me more than I liked him. And that wasn't fair to him. So, I think it's better this way.

And I know that there will come guys that I will like ten times more than I liked Phil. Here's to hoping for a significant number of new guys at our school next school year.

And here's to hoping that a 'summer thing' that I've been hoping for will happen.

Ever since I was young, I've always wanted a Summer Romance. Doesn't that sound so romantic? Just the concept of it sends my heart into a frenzy.

And it's July already!

I don't have a summer job this summer. Well, I was supposed to work for my dad, but I guess he decided he didn't want to hire me anymore. So, no summer job. I barely get to leave the house during the week because, 1: I can't legally drive myself yet, and 2: There's never anyone to drive me places. because trust me, if I did, I would definately go places. Everyone's always at work or something.

So I'm stuck in the house all the time, wasting away, getting paler, watching suckish daytime T.V.

Let's hope my summer gets a kick-start...and soon!

xo Hopeless Romantic

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