♡ the life of a 25 year old hopeless romantic ♡

"This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against."

Questions? Concerns? Random observations?
Leave me a message here, or email me here. ♥

Friday, December 24, 2010 | 7:19 PM | 0Comment

Internet, handling Porscha is going easier than I thought it would be.

....and I only say that, because she never even showed up here. Hah. We never heard any reason why, she just never showed up and didn't bother to call until yesterday just to tell us that she wasn't coming, and nothing more than that. No offered explanation or excuse.

And on one hand, I'm kind of relieved, because all of the stuff I was worried about in the first place won't have to happen. I have a feeling that she made all of it up in the first place just so she could mooch, and then when she found out that me and Mom weren't exactly welcoming of the idea, she backed out.

But on the other hand, I feel kind of sad too. This would be the first Christmas that Porscha would have the chance to spend the entire day with all of her kids, but I suppose that was too much to handle for her. After all, there were probably some X-Mas parties she had to be at. Anything for free booze, right?

So, yeah, I'm not really sure how I feel about that. But at least we'll have the relaxed, quiet Christmas that we have every year.

Today, I braved stores with Mom, and we went last-minute Christmas shopping for my friends. I smiled and said Merry Christmas to every cashier we encountered on the way, because that's one of my favorite parts of this time of year. You never know whose day you can make with just one smile and a thoughtful few words.
One of them was a lady who worked at the dollar store, and she didn't look happy at all to be working. And so after she bagged our things, I turned to her and said with a smile, "Thank you. Merry Christmas." And she paused for a second, like I kind of surprised her, and then she said very seriously, "Merry Christmas to you too."

I got Best Friend Rose a zebra print stocking, because she'd never had one before (I know, right?? I just HAD to get her one, how do you not have a stocking for Christmas?), and I got her two cool hair care products because I'm a hair care freak now. I also got her her favorite color nail polish, and a top coat.
Then, I got Jazz Christmas-colored gum balls, two lime green bracelets(her favorite color), and two facial products(being one container of a mint mask and one container of an oatmeal & honey mask), and a partridge in a pear tree. Good thing I only have two really close friends, or I'd be flat-out broke right now. Haha.

I delivered them both their presents in person, even though Rose has a super bad case of pneumonia at the moment and I couldn't get too close (I feel awful that she has to be sick for Christmas, but she's gotten some antibiotics, and she's been feeling a little better!)

(Warning: Holiday corniness ahead.)
I also played with my precious little boy of a cousin, who's currently teething, so he'll chew on anything he gets his hands on, even his own hands.
And I watched the Winnie the Pooh Christmas special with Nikki (*see last entry for reference) and played my k-pop Christmas CD to death(actually, it's on repeat as I type this.) and having a fun allergic reaction to Chex Mix with nuts that my mom received from a lady at her work (long story, and I'm fine now but drugged up on Benadryl, and I can hardly keep my eyes uncrossed.) And I may eat my way through cookies into a sugar coma by the end of tomorrow, but hey, 'tis the season, right?

This year was tighter for us financially, but I'm just glad for my family and the things we do have. And I'm not just saying that to say it, like some people do. Things could be awful right now, and I could be having the worst holiday ever, but I'm not. And that's really all I could ask for.

And Internet, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to every single one of you. I wish you safety and blessings, from the bottom of my heart.

xo Hopeless Romantic

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