♡ the life of a 25 year old hopeless romantic ♡

"This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against."

Questions? Concerns? Random observations?
Leave me a message here, or email me here. ♥

The last night in this house.}
Sunday, July 1, 2012 | 12:02 AM | 0Comment

I didn't think I would be this sad, but I am. I think it finally hit me how I'll never sleep here again after tonight, and how much I'll miss this place.

I went through some hard stuff here, but it was also my haven at times.

I'll miss how there's a ridiculous amount of vents in my bathroom, and so whenever we have the a/c on in the summertime it's like a refrigerator, and whenever we have on the heat in the winter, it's toasty warm.

I'll miss how there's two sinks in there even through I only ever used one.

I'll miss the almost pink, almost cream color that my walls have been painted ever since before we moved here. It's probably the only room I'll ever get with pink walls, and strangely, even though I never knew I wanted pink walls, I'll miss having them.

I'll miss how this bedroom never failed to become a convector oven in the afternoon, summer, spring, winter or fall. Even when it was -10 outside, if the sun was out, it would be piping hot in there by afternoon. Don't ask me why I'll miss this, I really have no idea. Even though it was annoying, and it was unbearable sometimes, it was charming in a way.

I'll miss air conditioning in general. (The new house doesn't have air conditioning. And my state is currently going through consistent late nineties heat. Dear god help us all.)

I'll miss the fireplace downstairs, because you can see through it on both sides and it's really cool.

I'll miss living across the street from Walgreens. The people that work there see us so often that they recognize us by face immediately and greet us, I'm surprised they don't know us by name.

Believe it or not, I'll miss living right next to a busy street. I've gotten so used to the traffic noise that I'll probably have a hard time falling asleep without it for a while.

I'll miss being not even a block away from a park.

I'll miss walking through my neighborhood through the many winding paths that weave between people's backyards. I discovered it with Jazz when we were feeling adventurous maybe two years ago, and since then, regrettably, I've only walked through it a few times. I wish I had done it more often, it was so peaceful and nice. The only problem with it was that you could see straight into people's backyards, and sometimes dogs would bark at you. (One time, someone's HUGE white dog got so wound up barking at us and jumping at the fence that me and Jazz thought he was going to leap over the fence, so we turned back around and ran, lol.) That's something that my new neighborhood doesn't have, and it's a bigger neighborhood and not as safe, so that's kind of too bad.

I'll miss the cozy layout of this house. The new one is bigger, which is much better for us, but I will miss the snug feel of this one.

Last, but not least, I'll miss the virtual sound-proofness of this room. I swear, I would do anything up here with my door closed (play my music as loud as the volume will possibly go, scream at the top of my lungs, laugh loudly, etc) and nobody else in the house could hear. The new house, I'm not so sure. I guess we'll see?

As I've been packing up my bedroom, and my old school office, it's hitting me more and more that this stage in my life has come to an end, and a new one is starting. Even though it's hard, I'll always have the memories made in this house, and nothing can ever replace those.

So, this is goodbye. But with goodbyes, other doors can be opened. Let's see where this one leads.

xo Hopeless Romantic

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