![]() "This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against." Questions? Concerns? Random observations?
Leave me a message here, or email me here. ♥
May 2008
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Interesting information.}
Thursday, November 22, 2012 | 12:19 AM | 0Comment Hey Internet!!
SO. You guys'll be glad to know that things are looking up lately. I mean, they're not perfect, and nothing in particular has really changed (except for my injury, which is now completely healed! Yay!), but I think it's more of an improvement in my attitude, which is nice. I just feel a little happier lately. Definitely something to welcome, for sure.
And the job thing isn't bothering me as much now. I mean, yeah, it was a bummer, but things will turn out. Eventually, at least. They always do. So in the meantime, I shouldn't stress about it. (Especially since after stressing about it so much, I got an ugly cold sore last week. Blurgh.)
So, things are okay. Last week, Rosie and I went to the opening night of Breaking Dawn pt 2 (judge if you want, I'm used to it, lol. Besides, I couldn't just not. I loved that series so much 4 years ago, and I wanted to see how the movie series ended. I was very impressed with the adaptation, and even thought that the movie was better than how the book went, which I hardly ever say about movie adaptations. So yes. Judge away! Lmao.).
We didn't have to stand in line, since it was cold outside, but we waited inside the theater for--get this--6 hours. So we had a lot of time to talk, obviously.
While we were talking, and I proceeded to show her a picture of the member of a Korean band that I plan on marrying, out of nowhere she says, "So, guess who finds you gorgeous and like, super attractive?" with a giant grin on her face.
At first I thought she was joking, so I give her a weird look like, 'You're kidding, right?' And then when she doesn't burst out laughing, I ask aloud, ".....Who?" Because, uh, who could possibly think that, out of the maybe 3 guys that I sort of know but I'm not even really that close of friends with?
And before I could possibly wonder further who she could possibly be talking about, she says, "Jerry."
Now, I still can't tell you how I feel about this. First I felt...well, kinda flustered. But flattered, definitely. It's always nice to know if someone sees you that way. But then I was...confused. And still am. And for a few reasons.
One would be that I didn't even think that I would be his type, and truly, I don't that I am. And this isn't me being self depreciating, this is me looking at the girls he's dated in the past and wondering how the hell that translates to me. Which brings me to my next reason: He doesn't know me that well. Hell, he doesn't know me at all.
From the outside, his usual type seems to be the super gorgeous, super-model like physique, party girl, wild chick type. Of which type he definitely is. Of which I am definitely not.
Well, okay, I don't think I'm ugly or anything. When I'm all done up, I'd like to think of myself as pretty. But the rest? Uh. Nope. More like normal physique-having, prudish nerdy girl, homebody-to-the-point-of-almost-being-a-hermit type. I'm pretty much the opposite of his usual girls.
So that makes me wonder, what did he possibly see in me? Just my appearance? Probably. I mean, I wouldn't blame him. Who doesn't do that, anyway?
But that pretty much gives me the indicator that we wouldn't have much in common. I'm sitting here picturing this conversation in my head, on our would-be first date:
Him: Hey, what about that crazy party this Saturday? You were invited, right? It's gonna be a rager. Are you psyched?
Doesn't that make you cringe? It makes me cringe, and I've been thinking of that scenario over and over for almost the past week. I just feel like...it wouldn't go well. For the both of us. If we tried something, I mean.
And to be fair, just as much as he doesn't know me that well, I don't know him that well, either. Actually, I don't know him at all, period. So I guess I shouldn't judge. But I feel really hesitant about all of this, for a few more reasons:
I feel bad, though. He's a nice enough guy, from what I've seen. And Rosie really wants it to happen between us. She thinks we'd be 'super cute'. But I just...sigh.
I didn't outright tell her no. (Although she asked if she could give him my number, and I said no, but only because I've been having issues with our cell phone company, and long story short, my cell phone's been off for like half a year now. Yeah. Sucks.) In fact, I told her that she could tell him to add me on FB.
She asked if I would be willing to get to know him. And reluctantly...flustered-ly...I said yes. How could I have said no?? With her smiling all huge and right in my face with a hopeful sparkle in her eyes like some anime character??? Huh?????????
So...yeah. Not sure how I'll get around this, now that I told her I would. But oddly enough, Jerry hasn't even sent a friend request. Perhaps he changed his mind. Let's hope, shall we? Let's hope that he changed his mind about my attractiveness and I won't have to deal with any of this.
Let. Us. Hope.
xo Hopeless Romantic
ps: Happy Thanksgiving!
Labels: jerry, new stuff going on |