![]() "This song is talking to the person you haven't even met yet. Maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else, but they're not as good as you're gonna be. You just have to wait your turn. He's out there, she's out there. They're just learning what to contrast you against." Questions? Concerns? Random observations?
Leave me a message here, or email me here. ♥
May 2008
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Month One of My Legal Adult Life Down, 984 to Go.}
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 | 9:38 PM | 0Comment ![]() Lol okay, not really. Nothing too exciting, per say,(as in any boy news and such) but you know me, I'm gonna tell you anyway. First, my birthday. It was probably the best birthday I've had since my 15th birthday (15th was an 80's theme, I kid you not. 8o's music galore, big hair, a basement decorated with so many balloons and streamers you would not believe it, and 13 Going On 30. Best birthday party ever.) I didn't have a party, but I kind of hate parties now, so. (I used to love parties. Now I cringe when I hear the word. I think it was High School that made me hate them and all things associated with them.) BUT, I did 1.) Go to the bookstore. My freaking haven. I would have been satisfied with just this alone, seriously. 2.) Go Chick-Fil-A for lunch, mostly just so I could have their glorious fries. 3.) Get a new rug and lamp for my room. I'm just finishing redecorating it, and it's red and black and epicness. 4.) Get a freaking IPOD TOUCH. Which is a relief, as well as being exciting, because my old grandpa iPod had lived with me since the 7th grade and it was slowly approaching the last of its days. I could barely listen to music with it off the charger, and the battery would die within 45 minutes. Sad to see it go (I get sentimental, okay? Haha), but I love my new iPod. It's all touch-screeny and high tech. I feel like I'm finally in 2011 now. Yay for technological advances! 5.) Have dinner at Red Lobster (my favorite restaurant forever) with Best Friend Rose, Jazz (more on that later), and my parents. Delicious. And it was awesome of them to come even with school the next day, since we had different Spring Breaks. 6.) Have a cookies and Cream ice cream cake with a big fat '18' candle on it. 7.) Get a new big fat bow headband, new leggings, Hello Kitty lights and a Harry Potter notebook from Best Friend Rose. (I practically screamed from joy when I saw them. She knows me so eerily well sometimes, it freaks me out. Seriously. But in a good way.) 8.) Watch k-dramas until I fell asleep. It was seriously THE BEST birthday I've had since my 15th. Beats my birthday last year by a long shot. I just remember going to bed with the biggest smile on my face. And it meant even more because things are particularly tight for my family right now (well, things are always tight, but even more right now) and it meant the world to me that even though we're going through a rough time financially, my parents still put in all this effort for me to have a good birthday. It meant the world. So, AWESOME birthday. Then came four days later when I got the stomach flu for the second time in six months. Yes. I somehow got the stomach flu again. And it was waaaay worse this time. I survived, obviously, but man did that suck. You know what else sucks? Doing the ACTs within days of having the stomach flu. YES INTERNET. I had to do my ACTs the weekend after being sick, meaning that I had just begun to stop feeling like a sore, dizzy stick figure. (I lost 8 pounds when I was sick. I looked like a lollipop having a terrible hair day. Assuming I would have hair as a lollipop, for some reason.) I think I did decently, well hopefully. It's all kind of a blur. But I did happen to see a guy there that went to my old school, who I've known since the 6th grade, and we sat together and talked during break. It was a nice surprise to see someone I knew there, and it was sweet of him to even come over at all. It was very nice. So after that nightmare, a few days later, I went shopping for spring clothes with giftcards that I got for my birthday. Shopping is always relevant, period. And so since all of that, I've been busy catching up from being sick for 3 days and keeping pace with my schoolwork. And it's been good. One thing that's (kind of) notable, though, is the voicemail from Johnny and Ricky Bobby from last entry. I haven't talked to either of them since November, so it really came as a surprise to me. A pleasant surprise, actually. I thought they'd forgotten all about me. I also got a birthday wall post from Ricky Bobby, one that said, "happy birthday, sarah!!!!!!!" with that many exclamation points. It was cool of them to remember, or see the notification on Facebook, at least. (Which I only recently found out, like within the past hour, that RB deleted. Yup. Deleted his Facebook. He goes through these love/hate stages with social networking sites, he deletes his and then makes a new one like three months later. I swear. Don't ask why, I have no idea. But that was my last means of contact with him, besides Johnny, so idk.) I didn't call Johnny back, so now he probably things that he didn't have the right number in the first place, but oh well. I can tell what you're thinking, Internet. I'm going to blow this way out of proportion, like last time. (see entries from last april through july-ish) I'm going to over-analyze everything and pick apart every word from that voicemail. Right? Am I right? Well, I surprisingly haven't. After I got it, not gonna lie, I thought about it a little while, but then I moved on. I'm doing pretty dang okay, Internet. I'd say I'm doing pretty dang okay. xo Hopeless Romantic Labels: birthday, johnny, junior year, ricky bobby, school A Belated Birthday Voicemail (courtesy of Johnny and Ricky Bobby):}
| 9:55 AM | 1Comment Johnny: SARAH. SARAAAAH. Okay say what you want to say to Sarah. Labels: birthday, johnny, junior year, ricky bobby, shenanigans |